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When Magazines Advertised Daisy BB Carbines for Youthful Cowboys December 23, 2018 Holidays - December 25 is rapidly approaching, bringing with it "A Christmas Story," television's annual Christmas story highlighting Ralphie Parker's obsession with chasing imaginary ruthless hombres using an air-operated Red Ryder Carbine. I never get weary of watching this nostalgic classic, released in Nov. 1983 but portrayed to be in the 1940s. This year, I purchased the… Continue Reading
Christmas Society News Offered by Dec. 1907 Comet Newspaper December 19, 2016 Holidays - A few days before Christmas 1907, shortly after the noon hour, the suburban home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hall, located about nine miles west of the city, was the scene of a beautiful wedding. Miss Cordelia Hall was united in marriage to Mr. Robert L. Dyer of this city. Rev. S.G. Ketron officiated with… Continue Reading
Letters from Children to Santa Claus, Boones Creek News, 1904 December 12, 2016 Holidays - Vintage letters to Santa have become a regular in my column at Christmas time. Today, nine of them from 1904 are presented without regard to spelling, punctuation and grammar; they are just as they arrived at the North Pole: "Dear Santa Claus - Bring me an air gun an bicycle and some oranges apples candy… Continue Reading
In 1951, President Truman Declared New Spirit of Hope in the World December 5, 2016 Holidays - On Christmas day, 1951, President Truman told the nation that there had arisen a new spirit of hope in the world, that a true and lasting peace may come from the sacrifice of free men arming and fighting together. Mr. Truman's message was prepared for broadcasting from his fireside at Independence, MO., just before he… Continue Reading
Message of Thanks to Johnson City, “The Christmas Town,” 1957 November 28, 2016 Holidays - The advertisement that accompanies today's column came from a Dec. 1, 1957 Johnson City Press-Chronicle. Note that the former "Johnson's Depot" carried the tag, "The Christmas Town," stating that the city was ready with thousands of Yuletide delights!" Everywhere shoppers glanced, they saw dazzling, glittering arrays of gifts to put under their Christmas tree; toys… Continue Reading
Recalling Johnson City Press-Chronicle’s 1957 “Little People’s Christmas Coloring Contest” December 14, 2015 Holidays - In December of 1957, the Johnson City Press-Chronicle created something enjoyable aimed at youngsters 10 years old and younger, which they titled "The Little People's Coloring Contest." Four pictures, depicting the Christmas holiday, one per day, were posted in the newspaper, beginning on Tuesday, Dec. 3 and ending on Friday, Dec. 6. One of Four… Continue Reading
The Comet Called for a Quality Southern Magazine During Christmas, 1899 December 7, 2015 Holidays - During Christmas 1899, the Comet newspaper had for some time made an observation that Northern publishers dominated the field for magazines, leaving potential Southern ones "sitting on the side of the dirt road." The news publication felt there was a bona fide need for a first class Southern magazine, reflecting the best literary talents of… Continue Reading
Santa Claus Letters in Dec. 1908: My How Times Have Changed! November 30, 2015 Holidays - During last Christmas, I featured some letters of area youngsters who wrote Santa Claus a letter in 1909, telling the jolly ole fellow what they wanted for Christmas from him. Since some of my readers identified a relative in the list, I decided to produce another column this year of letters to Santa. The date… Continue Reading
Valentine Memories from the Third Grade at Columbus Powell Elementary School in 1952 February 9, 2015 Holidays - Jay Prater, a frequent contributor to my Yesteryear articles, wrote me saying that he had diligently searched for his Duncan yo-yo after reading the Red Shield Boys' Club article last week on the History/Heritage page. So far, he has not located it, but won't stop looking for it. Today's column deals with Valentine's Day. The… Continue Reading
Bob Taylor’s 1906 Depiction of Spiritual, Traditional Christmas December 22, 2014 Holidays - During Christmas 1906, Gov. Bob Taylor submitted a depiction to The Comet newspaper, offering his views of what Christmas is all about, from both the spiritual and traditional sides of the holiday: Bob L. Taylor in One of His More Reflective Poses "The season of peace and good will joins upon us the command to… Continue Reading