A May 1892 Jonesboro Herald and Tribune newspaper offered a diversity of news reports and low priced ads from the surrounding area:
An Advertisement from 1892
“Green coffee, 15 cents a pound at The Bee Hive, Johnson City.”
“Misses Addie Patton, Bonnie Broyles and Ada Roach attended commencement exercises at Washington College last week.”
“Does your watch need repairing? If so, take it to I.N. Beckner, Johnson City, who guarantees satisfaction on all work in his line.”
“Charles A. Ross of The Twinklings returned Monday night from a week's visit to Washington College and vicinity. He reports a lively time.”
“Brooms 10 cents each, best tea 50 cents a pound, good tea 40 cents a pound, sugar 23 pounds for $1. Pure drugs and medicines at The Bee Hive.”
“Miss Dolly Johnson, one of the ladies who leaped from the Loveman Block during the great fire in Chattanooga, is in the city visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Taggart.”
“J.T. Browing, editor of the Staff and President of the Alumni Association of Washington College, attended commencement exercises at that place last week.”
“As H.P. Little left the city last Saturday afternoon on Train 1 , he was singing, “Home, Sweet Home.” We can't say where he landed, but to our surprise, he returned Sunday night.”
“Miss Gertie Hilbert, after a protracted stay in the city, returned to her home near Matuta (Washington County community, no longer in existence) Thursday morning, accompanied by the heart of one of our best young men. She would have taken him, but he could not leave his mother.”
“The event that has been so long looked for by the society people of Johnson City was consummated last Wednesday evening by the marriage of R.S. Boyd to Miss Forme Barkley, one of the most charming and accomplished young ladies. The knot was tied by Rev. J.C. Atkins at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Will Harr on Fairview Avenue. A reception was tendered the happy couple at the Hotel Carnegie by the young men of the city and never before has such an elegant reception been given in Johnson City.”
“Attention, GAR (Grand Army of the Republic): Jonesboro Post No. 85, Department of Tennessee, GAR is hereby called to meet in a called meeting at 2 p.m. sharp, on Friday, May 27, 1892, for the special purpose of taking proper steps to observe Memorial Day. The members are all requested to be present.”
“It is said that the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad will put into effect a new time card next Sunday. The changes proposed will be about as follows: Train #2 will be one hour and a half later and Train #3, one hour later. There will be little if any change for numbers, 1 and 4.”
“Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contains mercury. Mercury will destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, contains no mercury and is taken internally directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. The price is 75c per bottle.”
“Owing to the settlement of the affairs of the CC&O Railroad, the Iron Belt Land Company of Johnson City has decided to have a sale of lots in their magnificent addition, West Park, in Johnson City, on June 1 and 2.”
And finally: “The prohibitionists of Washington County are hereby called to meet in mass convention in the court house in Jonesboro on Monday, June 6, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for representative and a full or partial county ticket, as may be deemed most advisable. Let everybody who believes in the annihilation of the rum power be present.”