Today’s column is a collection of blurbs taken from the Johnson City Chronicle in mid August 1927. The city’s population that year was 25,000, with a trading population estimated at 200,000.
The city limits enclosed 7.2 square miles with 45 miles of asphalt-paved streets, 80 miles of graded macadam and 68 miles of cement sidewalks. The State Normal School had 35 teachers for 1,550 students; Milligan College operated with 14 faculty members and 250 undergraduates.
Free Service Tire Company (phone number 5158) had an interesting advertisement entry using a 4 by 6 inch block interestingly titled, “The Blowout, Vol. 1, No. 29.” The ad was published every Thursday in the interest of Johnson City motorists by the Free Service Tire Company, Dan Wexler, Editor:
“In time of famine, the Eskimos have been known to eat leather, bones and almost anything except Eskimo Pie.
“Speaking of cooling subjects – the Walker Coal and Ice Company, who run their vehicles winter and summer, use Goodyear tires on their trucks.
“The ladies who dress in the latest style don’t have any trouble keeping cool this summer.
“Mrs. Doc. Lamb (wife of Dr. John Lamb, a dentist), who not only knows style but also the disadvantage of changing tires in this hot weather, just purchased four Goodyear Tires for her Dodge Sedan.
“Motorist: ‘I’m sorry I ran over your hen. Will a dollar make it right?’ Farmer: ‘Better make it two. One of my roosters was mighty fond of that hen and the shock might kill him.’
“A real good time can’t be bought or planned; it just happens.
“The fellow who buys cheap tires may be figuring on having a good time, but he will no doubt have a hot one.
“Don’t spend more than you take in. Then you’ll not have to worry about higher accountancy.
“Charlie Hunter (cashier, Unaka and City National Bank) who knows a little about accountancy also knows a lot about buying tires. He uses Kelly Heavy Duty Tires.
“’The old gray hair ain’t what she used to be,’ said the dear old lady as she finished dying her hair.”
Another item from that edition noted that Harry Range of Range Motor Company said that the greatest problem of automotive engineers was to design motors that would achieve greater fuel economy. The latest claim by the Dodge Brothers Company was that its new 4-cylindar cars, driven at 25-miles-per-hour, were capable of running 25 miles on a gallon of gas. Several unique features of the car’s design were credited for the exceptional fuel economy.
An additional note says about 75 “newsies” (carriers of the Johnson City Chronicle and Staff-News) were complimentary guests of the John Robinson Circus at the big tent show on Keystone Field that Thursday night. The circus held a clever contest offering complimentary tickets if newspaper readers would cut out a piece of a puzzle in subsequent editions of the paper that week, put them together to form a whole picture, identify it and then submit it to the newspaper.
The H & C Grocery Company, owned by H. C. Hows, located at the corner of 301 W. Walnut Street at Buffalo (phone 686) had a rather large ad: “What do you need today in the grocery line? We have a complete stock of all the finest brands of fruits, vegetables, staples and canned goods. … The delicious flavors of our meats call for a second helping. We take pride in offering the very highest quality obtainable.”
Finally, the police blotter contained the notice of an individual living with his uncle in Cash Hollow. He was arrested by Sheriff Dan France and Deputy Thomas Howell on a charge of stealing and was taken to Blountville for detention. The robbery occurred at the Tom Childress Store on Horse Creek.