A comparison of letters written to Santa Claus today with those penned in 1909 shows noted similarities and differences. Let's sample a few. You just might recognize a relative or friend listed:
Robert & Charles Naff: “Please bring us a tricycle, candy, nuts, oranges, firecrackers, a little wagon to haul wood on, a little pig that we can wind up and it will run, a knife, some Roman candles and bring little Vaught a rubber ring to chew on. We are good little boys. We have to walk two miles to school.”
Kathleen Naff: “Please bring me a little bed, cloak and a go-cart for my doll. Her name is Edith. I want some candy, nuts, oranges and raisins. Don't forget Vaught. Bring him a rattle trap. I am a good little girl four years old.” (I bet Mom and Dad helped with your note.)
Thomas Love: “I want you to bring me a gun and I would like to have some more toys for Christmas. I would like a wagon too and a sled to ride down the hill on. I am bad in school, but I work hard.” (I love that.)
Leonard Millard Dunn: “I am a little boy 12 years old. I go to school every day that I can. My teacher is Miss Tomlinson and she is a good teacher. I want some books, and a sled, some raisins, apples and oranges, a pair of skates, a wagon, candy and a gun.” (One vote for Miss Tomlinson).
Frank Snodgrass: “I want you to bring me a little wagon and a little bicycle and some nuts, candy and oranges. I want some firecrackers to shoot Christmas night. Buy the poor children some toys too. I want you to bring everybody some nice things too.” (Nice comment, Frank.)
Elmer Ellsworth: “I would like a gun, a football, a steam engine, a balance bat, toolset, a wagon, a pencil box, a billy goat, a harness, some oranges, apples, bananas and some books to read.” (Nice variety, Elmer).
Stanley Harvey: “I have been good in school every day. You must bring me some oranges, candy, a gun that will kill rabbits and a wagon that I can ride down the hill on.”
Guy Marten Young: “I am a good boy in school and I want a gun, bicycle, some candy, nuts, caps for my cap gun, a knife and a collar for my dog. Goodbye.” (Goodbye.)
Sam Harriss: “I am a good boy in school and I want a Morrow Coaster Brake bicycle and some candy, nuts, firecrackers and an apple.” (According to a sales brochure, the brake not only stopped the bike, it drove the wheel forward and gave a smooth, easy ride while coasting.)
Lawrence Brown: “I am a good boy in school. I want you to bring me a gun and a Studebaker wagon, candy, nuts, fruits and a tricycle. Your friend.”
Lyle Barton: I am going to tell you that I want a bicycle, a pony, a lot of candy and a box of cartridges. (Wow, a pony.)
Frank Humphrey: “I have been a good boy in school and tell you that I want a box of cartridges, apples and nuts.
Charlie Keys: “First of all, I want a shotgun and cartridges to shoot in it. I want a magic lantern. Then I want all the other people to have a merry Christmas and I want firecrackers, Roman candles, sky rockets, candy, nuts, oranges and that is all for this time.”
Cecil Bolton: “I want a pony and little wagon, a gun, some candy, orange, apple and some fire crackers and that is all I want for this time.”
Charles L Ruffin: “I am not very bad at school. I like my teacher very much. Will you please send me some things that you think I want. Don't forget the poor people on Christmas Eve night. I want some oranges, nuts, dates, figs, and a big horn.” (Very thoughtful of you, Charles.)
Goldie Thomas: “I want a big doll that can open and shut its eyes. Bring my teacher a pair of button shoes and lots of pretty dishes and lots of things. My teacher's name is Miss Tomlinson. I want you to please bring me a pair of nice shoes and a story book and candy, oranges and nuts. So I will close. Bring all the poor children lots of things.” (Nice note, Goldie, and a second vote for Miss Tomlinson.)
I hope you enjoyed the letters from youngsters of 1909. I hope they got what they wanted.