1940 Junior High Students Enriched by Participating in 16 Clubs

The May 24, 1940 student publication, “Junior High News,” offered a synopsis of 16 school sponsored clubs that included each one’s purpose, faculty sponsor (fs), president (p), vice-president (vp) and secretary (s).

Home Economics Club: Miss Lindsey (fs), Elizabeth McMackin (p), Mildred Morelock (vp) and Geraldine Greene (s). “Learn and discuss home duties and send representatives to meetings in Washington and Unicoi Counties to find out what other school clubs are doing.”

Bird Club: Miss Mathes (fs), Vergie Tester (p), Tibby McMackin (vp) and Clarice Dickson (s).  “Learn about habits, customs and ways of living for different species of birds.”

Dramatic Club: Mr. Belew (fs), Marilyn Gibson (p); Elizabeth Rowe (vp) and Anna Marie Irish (s). “Promote interest in dramatics, perform skits and pantomimes and learn how to apply make-up.”

Recreation Club: Miss Candler (fs), Marguerite Long (p) and Betty Cooley (s).  “Promote interest in athletics for girls.”

Junior Red Cross Club: Miss Barnes (fs), Betty Ruth Williams (p), Mary Frances Nave (vp); and Billy Highsmith (s). “Help others who are less fortunate than us.”

The Stage Frighters Club: Miss Grigsby (fs). “Give boys and girls a chance to appear before the public, present programs in chapel and before PTA gatherings and offer skits to each other during meetings.” Apparently no one was audacious enough to serve as an officer because no names were listed.

Science Club: Mr. Boyd (fs), James Bridges (p), Toy Johnson (vp) and Paul Swatsell (s). “Bestow more knowledge of science to boys and girls.” 

Civic Club: Mr. Hall (fs), Mae Saylor (p), Virginia Curtis (vp) and Queenie Mitchell (s). “Learn the happenings of our government and facts about famous people.”

Girls Craft Club: Miss Whitehead (fs), Beverly Smythe (p) and Betty Asquith (s). “Teach members to make beautiful and ornamental things with their hands.”

Glee Club: Miss Hart (fs), Sammy Rose (p) and Marilyn Gibson (s). Promote better singing for students. “Gain confidence by singing for PTA, radio and at the Music Festival.” 

Short Story Club: Mrs. Miller (fs), John Human (p), Eloise Wagner (vp) and Mary Ann Carmack (s). “Read and study the short story.”

Modern Authors Club: Miss Siler (fs), Marie Parrott (p), Harold Oliver (vp) and Martha Darden (s). “Learn more about the numerous authors of today and their works.”

Latin Club: Miss Taylor (s), Bill McNeese (consul) and Lone Sisk (scriba). “Acquire more knowledge about the old Roman way of life.”

The Cherokee Hiking Club: Comprised of Boys Division and Girls Division. Girls Division: Miss Bradshaw (fs), Miss Beard (fs),  Dorothy Newell (p), Nora Ellen White (vp) and Martha Carter (S). Boys Division: Mr. McCorkle (fs), Mr. Oaks (fs), Jack Greene (p), Eric Herrin (vp), Harold Barr (s) and Charlie McCoy (treasurer). The purpose of the club was not given.

The Travel Club: Miss Archer (fs), Lone Sisk (p), Eric Herrin (vp) and Ruth Ann Sells (s). “Study about the beauties and wonders of our own and other countries. Encourage the reading of travel books.”

The Patrol Club: Mr. McCorkle (fs), W. T. Willis (Major), Mac Trammell (Captain) and Gerald Goode (Captain). “Maintain safety on entering and leaving the building, effectively use Traffic Guides to maintain order and keep traffic moving in the halls and corridors.”

The 1940 newsletter concluded with the graduates commenting about how enjoyable and profitable the club experiences were to them at Junior High School.